there's pizza in the fridge

there's pizza in the fridge

Thursday, November 17, 2011

tiffanyreviewseverything: Goats

Have you ever started your morning, all groggy and hungry and not quite ready for the day?

Goats. That is what your morning needs.

No matter what kinds of goats they are, goats are a great way to start your day! Mountain goats, pygmy goats, alpine goats -- even the Angora goat, which you may mistake for a sheep, can brighten the brightest morning sun.

Nothing matches a cup of joe quite like a bunch of goats in trees!

And it doesn't have to be just your morning. Boer goats are a great companion to your dinner conversations, especially if you are eating copper. They can just take the leftovers while you and your buddies make jokes about its funny nose and beard.

Mountain goats. The kings of all goats. Look. At. This. SHIT.

They are amazing. That goat is about a year old and has already learned the long-lost art of anti-gravity. You don't see giraffes doing amazing things like this. Want to know why? Because they aren't goats.

(Edit: Just saw this:, mountain goats getting dropped off cliffs by eagles, never mind, mountain goats are not all that great)

All in all I'd say goats are great, especially for mornings. Wow!!!
9.5/10 (lost half a point due to those shitty mountain goats)
Be sure to check out my arch-nemesis' blog, He reviews many things -- everything, you could say! Ha ha ha.

Fuck you!


  1. Frankly, mountain goats scare the crap out of me. Maybe it's the heights more than anything, but whatever. All in all, goats are pretty sweet. My uncle has about seven goats on his property. The youngest one, Annie, likes to climb onto the swingset and fall asleep on one of the swings. It's pretty much adorable and simultaneously kick-ass.

  2. I hate goats. My friend had two goats, and they smelled. They also had massive balls and no shame. They died eventually, so it sort of feels like I won.

  3. I've seen goat calenders, the ones with pictures of goats with Elton John glasses, standing on kitchen tables, dressed in prom dresses (that concept is soooo wrong). We had a couple of goats when we were for kids. One of them chased my brother up a tree, climbed up after him. My brother fell out and busted his ass. The other goat figured it was all in fun, so started head butting him...Dad got rid of the goats.
    Eagles are bad-ass. I have a picture of an Eagle, talons dug deep into the ass-end of a wolf, and actually has the wolf lofted in the air. They are arguing about a dead deer half buried in the snow...a wolf in the air!

  4. First you convinced me that mountain goats were the greatest thing ever. Then you showed me them being ambushed by giant eagles and thrown to their deaths. You are too cruel.

  5. I love goats! Goats are great! Little boy goats pee into their own mouths and then lick it into their fur to make themselves smell sexy for the lady goats. I heard about a goat that liked to walk on car molding (although it did make the molding fall off eventually. Goats are great, but I have never seen one eat a tin can, but I have seen my dog Isi eat a tin can so anything is possible.
