there's pizza in the fridge

there's pizza in the fridge

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


With so few people last class, it's difficult to gauge exactly how successful this exercise was. I can say for sure that it didn't turn out how I was hoping, but how I was expecting. Most people had trouble concentrating during the whole thing, though one person was not affected. What I wanted to happen was for the different moods to cause completely different styles. Two problems arose. One, it was a heavily simulated environment; how people reacted to our classroom skit was not necessarily how they would react to a normal class. Two, all of the parts focused on a more high energy setting. Loud music, comedic teacher & student, two bros shooting the shit. It would have been much more effective to tone it down for one of them, like playing smooth jazz, or doing a more serious classroom setting (which I meant to do; apologies to John for taking it in the wrong direction).

A couple of changes I did notice: almost everyone, despite being told they could do otherwise, wrote in complete sentences. English majors ahoy! And the third bit, the classeroom one, caused the most distraction ("SHUT UP!" "Focus, keep writing").

All in all I'm glad I tried it, though I wish I had been more prepared.

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