there's pizza in the fridge

there's pizza in the fridge

Monday, September 19, 2011

Chain of Memories

I have a web of memories. If I think of one, inevitably I will think of five more. And since this process takes place over the course of a couple seconds, my memories end up jumbled and I can't remember which one took place when. It might explain my terrible memory, but I don't wish this memory-web away -- some of these connections are just too fun, and it's more fun to try to figure them out.

Normally the first memory comes from a time of year, or a big event. Let's start with Halloween. When Halloween comes around, several threads appear. The most prominent begins with Bunnicula, an old cartoon about a vampire rabbit. From there we get to Hellsing, an anime about a vampire. Sound enough, right? Not for long -- from Hellsing, it goes to Mardi Gras. An episode of Hellsing took place in some apartment on an empty Spanish street that looked suspiciously like New Orleans. I got it in my head that everybody in Spain was partying it up a few blocks down the road, and this apartment was on the outskirts, where some unlucky victims were looking to enjoy each other's company.

Now, from Mardi Gras we go to Girls Gone Wild. Not too big of a leap, especially if you remember the Girls Gone Wild Mardi Gras special that aired at 3 am years ago. After Girls Gone Wild, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. All I can think of is that both have scantily clad ladies, GTA typically poking fun at the sex industry. GTA:SA goes to bestiality. A few years ago, at an overnight birthday party, those of us awake at 4 am were taking turns playing San Andreas. Earlier in the night, the friend of mine who gave me my copy of the game was browsing Beast Tube on my Wii. We especially enjoyed the video of a turtle with (what we all saw as) a penis longer than its own body, flopping around on a plastic ball. I still remember the way it repeatedly opened its mouth, as if desperate to explain its horrific growth.

Enough on Beast Tube, time for Spider-Man. Even earlier that night, my friends had gotten me a Spider-Man web shooter that I shot onto my friends' faces. This takes me back to my PS1 days, when I was playing Spider-Man with a friend of mine. With the same friend I often played a demo of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. That obviously takes me to THPS2, then to Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory, to Howard Stern, to Massawepie, etc. etc.

Of course, that was only one thread. There are sometimes branches that the memories go down instead -- for instance, I didn't have to think of Tony Hawk, I could have thought of Spyro the Dragon, gone to Christmas, then started an entirely new chain of memories. And it doesn't always start with Bunnicula -- it could start with more typical Halloween fare, like cider and donuts, or a haunted hay ride. But inevitably it would end up at something completely different, just a few seconds later. And I would have trouble deciding whether or not I watched bestiality when I was 10.


  1. It's those strange, bizarre webs of thought that are the most fun, really. Those who can't create those weird memory webs are probably lying, and those who genuinely can't... Well, I feel sorry for them. Weird memories are awesome. Have fun.

  2. Isn't the web of memories what makes life awesome? I feel like if I just thought of one topic to dwell on and think about it would bore me to insanity. Take the most simple object and think about it? BOOM! explosion of off topic crap. Lets be honest, isn't almost everything relevant when it comes to memories and putting thoughts together?

  3. I love memory chains. I have ADD and that really helps. I think of one thing at night and just before dawn, after I have skipped around the entire universe, I still cannot remember where I started. On memory leads to another to another to another...I wonder what it would be like to ride a neural pathway...or maybe we do when we remember things...sadly remembering isnt one of my strong points, which is why I like to write...I can go back and read what I wrote since I can't remember.

  4. That was an AMAZING progression from Bunnicula to Tony Hawk! I have had these synaptic misfires as well. I would love to know how the human mind somehow connects things like drag queens to your first day of school to Thanksgiving at Grandma's house (this is just an example of course.) It's an wondrous network in our noggins.

  5. Sure memory chains are fun... except when they happen to you when you're trying to get dressed and they cause you to forget what you were doing and then you start walking to class and realize you forgot you're belt and then you're pants are loose all day. Just sayin.

  6. This sort of thing is exactly why some people I used to know no longer converse with me. What seem like non sequiturs to them are really just a logical chain of thoughts to me. Honestly, though, I've found that all the people I know who don't think like this are really rather boring.
